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Save the dateSeptember 30, 20223:00 PM - 3:45 PM GMT+2 Add to Calendar
Contact Person: Guillaume Joyet

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Event Details
Event Details

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

SwissCham is delighted to invite you to the upcoming Stars webinar part of the webinar series: Staying in Dialogue with China. The webinar will be held online on Friday, September 30th. For this occasion, Stars has invited Mr. Joerg Wuttke to share his observations on the topic: "Foreign Business in China - Today and Tomorrow". This webinar has been supported and co-branded in cooperation with French Chamber (CCI France Chine), European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC), British Chamber of Commerce and Italian Chamber of Commerce as well with Caixin Global as media partner and the China Macro Group as knowledge partner.

In our seventh and last conversation of this series, stars Switzerland Alumni Chapter President and stars Foundation Board Member Markus HERRMANN, Co-Founder and Managing Director at China Macro Group (CMG), will be talking to Joerg WUTTKE, President, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC); Member, stars International Board, Beijing.

The year 2022 presents numerous challenges to foreign business in China: among them, a generally sluggish economy, Covid-induced disruptions of production and supply chains, further politicization of the business environment especially amid China's role in the Ukraine war, further grown concerns about potential escalations in the Taiwan Strait as well as a rising number of European expats leaving the country. Almost four in five European companies – as surveyed by the EUCCC's Business Confidence Survey in late spring 2022 – found China had lost attractiveness for investments; at the same time, eight times as many firms are reported to have plans for more onshoring than those planning to offshore. So, how is the business environment perceived by European business? Do businesses indeed rather strengthen their local presence instead of leaving? And how do they balance mitigation for short-term political and economic volatilities with longer-term considerations for domestic and global competitiveness?

Join us to find out more.

Kindly note: This webinar is held under Chatham House Rules and will not be recorded. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this interesting seminar.


中国瑞士商会诚邀邀请您参加stars网络系列研讨会:与中国保持对话。线上研讨会将于9月30日星期五举行。为此,stars邀请了Joerg Wuttke 先生就"外国企业在中国的今天和明天"这个话题分享他的看法。该网络研讨会得到了法国商会(CCI France Chine)、中国欧盟商会(EUCCC)、英国商会和意大利商会的支持和联合品牌合作,以及财新环球作为媒体合作伙伴和Macro Group作为知识合作伙伴。

本系列的第七次也是最后一次对话,stars瑞士校友会会长和stars基金会董事会成员、China Macro Group (CMG) 的联合创始人兼董事总经理Markus HERRMANN将对话欧盟商会主席,stars北京国际董事会成员Joerg WUTTKE

2022 年外国在华企业面临许多挑战:其中包括经济普遍低迷、新冠疫情导致的生产和供应链中断、商业环境的进一步政治化,尤其是中国在乌克兰战争中扮演的角色的情况下,对潜在风险的担忧进一步加剧。台海局势升级,以及越来越多的欧洲侨民离开台湾。根据欧盟商会在2022年春末开展的商业信心调查,几乎五分之四的欧洲公司发现对华投资失去了吸引力;与此同时,据报道,寻求在岸运营的企业是计划离岸企业的八倍。那么,欧洲企业如何看待商业环境?企业真的宁愿巩固他们在当地的业务而不是选择离开吗?如何在缓解短期政治和经济波动与长期考虑国内和全球竞争力之间取得平衡?



With best regards,

Your SwissCham Team

  • Joerg Wuttke (President at European Chamber of commerce)

    Joerg Wuttke

    President at European Chamber of commerce

  • Markus HERRMANN (Moderator, President at stars Switzerland Alumni Chapter)

    Markus HERRMANN

    Moderator, President at stars Switzerland Alumni Chapter

Webinar Series
Webinar Series

Realising that 2022 will be another year without reasonable possibilities for physical interactions with friends and experts in China, Stars and SwissCham have prepared a China-dedicated webinar series with seven webinars taking place between May and September 2022. SwissCham is happy to cooperate with Stars, the French Chamber (CCI France Chine) and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) as well as with Caixin Global as media partner and the China Macro Group as knowledge partner. You can find an overview of the planned webinars here: 

鉴于2022年又将是充满未知的一年,为了与中国的朋友和专家进行互动,我们准备了专门针对中国的系列网络研讨会,其中七场网络研讨会将于2022年5月至10月初举行。中国瑞士商会与 Stars,法国商会(CCI France Chine)和中国欧盟商会(EUCCC)合作,财新网作为媒体合作伙伴,China Macro Group作为知识合作伙伴。 研讨会日程如下:

Organizer and Partner
Organizer and Partner