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Event Details

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

After 45 years of exceptional development and growth, structural complexities in China's political economy are becoming increasingly challenging, calling for policymakers to skillfully navigate China's economy towards 'High-Quality-Development'. To make sense of these complexities and potential policy conundrums that shape the strategic context for foreign business, CMG looks at China's political economy and evolving policy environment by way of six structural transitions – three longer-term transitions that China embarked on with the 'reform and opening up' (改革开放) period, and three more recent transitions involving policy-steered trade-offs and rebalancing.

In this 2024 "Staying in Dialogue with China" webinar series, CMG will explore, debate and refine this conceptualization to these six structural transitions featuring six distinguished Chinese economists as expert speakers. Click here to find out more about the entire series.

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To kick this 3rd series off, CMG will talk to Prof. WANG Yong, Academic Deputy Dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University (PKU) about the first of the six transitions – economic transition and industrial upgrading, or the transition from a largely agrarian to an industrialized and then post-industrial society, increasingly driven by innovation.

What are the key success factors for China's transition to successfully overcome the so-called "middle-income trap"? Why is the focus for Chinese policymakers so much on manufacturing today? How to ensure industrial upgrading in times of geopolitics and geoeconomic factors? How does China's industrial policymaking differentiate by sectors, mature and emerging technologies and differing strategic goals? Is overcapacity unavoidable? And: what role does the new concept of "new-quality productive forces" (新质生产力) add to policymaking?

The webinars will be moderated by Markus Herrmann, Co-Founder and Managing Director of CMG. Take the opportunity to listen in and ask your questions to Prof. WANG.

Ahead of the session, Alicia Garcia Herrero, a leading expert on China's political economy, also provides her thoughts and a second perspective for the discussion on this first transition. Read her written piece here.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this interesting seminar.

Kindly note: This webinar is held under Chatham House Rules and will not be recorded.


经过45年的非凡发展和增长,中国政治经济的结构性复杂性正变得越来越具有挑战性,这需要政策制定者巧妙地引导中国经济走向"高质量发展"。 为了理解这些影响外国企业战略环境的复杂性和潜在的政策难题,CMG通过六个结构转型来研究中国的政治经济和不断变化的政策环境——其中三个随着"改革开放"而开始的,以及最近的三个涉及政策引导的权衡和再平衡的转型。

在2024年"与中国保持对话"网络系列研讨会中,CMG将邀请六位杰出的中国经济学家作为专家演讲嘉宾,探讨、辩论和完善这一六种结构性转型的概念。 单击此处了解有关整个系列的更多信息。

为拉开第三期系列的序幕,CMG将对话北京大学新结构经济学研究院学术副院长王勇教授,探讨六个转型中的第一个——经济转型和产业升级,或者说是从经济转型到产业升级。 从一个以农业为主的社会发展到工业化社会,然后是后工业社会,并日益受到创新的驱动。

中国转型成功跨越所谓"中等收入陷阱"的关键成功因素是什么? 为什么今天中国决策者如此关注制造业? 地缘政治、地缘经济因素影响下如何保障产业升级? 中国的产业政策制定如何根据行业、成熟技术和新兴技术以及不同的战略目标进行区分? 产能过剩不可避免吗? 新质生产力"这一新概念对政策制定有何作用?

网络研讨会将由 CMG 联合创始人兼董事总经理 Markus Herrmann 主持。 借此机会聆听王教授并向王教授提问。

在会议之前,中国政治经济学领域的权威专家Alicia Garcia Herrero也为有关第一次转型的讨论提供了她的想法和其它观点。 点击此处阅读。



With best regards,

Your SwissCham Team


  • Yong WANG (Academic Deputy Dean at The Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University)

    Yong WANG

    Academic Deputy Dean at The Institute of New Structural Economics, Peking University

    Wang Yong is Associate Professor of Economics and Academic Deputy Dean of the Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University. Before joining PKU, he worked at the Department of Economics at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and the World Bank. He also serves as Secretary General of the New Structural Economics Research Alliance and Consultant of the World Bank. Wang Yong publishes regularly in economic journals and is the author of eight books including Thoughts and Debates on New Structural Economics (Peking University Press).

    He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. His main research fields are Economic Growth, Macro Development, China and India's Economy and Political Economy.

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  • Markus HERRMANN (Moderator, President at stars Switzerland Alumni Chapter)

    Markus HERRMANN

    Moderator, President at stars Switzerland Alumni Chapter

    Managing Director, China Macro Group (CMG)

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Webinar Series

After 45 years of exceptional development and growth, structural complexities in China's political economy are becoming increasingly challenging, calling for policymakers to skillfully navigate China's economy towards the proclaimed 'High-Quality-Development'. To make sense of these complexities and potential policy conundrums that shape the strategic context for foreign business, CMG looks at China's political economy and evolving policy environment by way of six structural transitions – three longer-term transitions that China embarked on with the 'reform and opening up' (改革开放) period, and three more recent transitions involving policy-steered trade-offs and rebalancing.


In this 2024 "Staying in Dialogue with China" webinar series, CMG will explore, debate and refine this conceptualization to these six structural transitions featuring six distinguished Chinese economists as expert speakers. Click here to find out more about the entire series.


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