Event Details

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

SwissCham is delighted to invite you to our upcoming online briefing on the topic "The Amended China Anti-Monopoly Law" on Tuesday, July 5.

This briefing will provide an overview of the actual and proposed changes in the Chinese competition law field and their impact on business.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this interesting online event.

With best regards,

Your SwissCham Team

About the Seminar

Chinese competition law is going through its biggest changes in history. On 24 June 2022, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed the long-awaited revision to the Anti-Monopoly Law (AML), China's key antitrust statute. Barely two working days later, on 27 June 2022, the Chinese competition authority โ€“ the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) โ€“ circulated for public comment six rules implementing the AML in various areas. 


The changes announced over the last days will have an important impact on companies doing businesses in China. For example, conduct to be held anti-competitive under the AML will be subject to scrutini. Companies could get fined up to 50% of the annual turnover; individual managers and employees might be sanctioned for cartel conduct; and an AML sanction might be recorded in China's social credit registry. Conversely, there are developments which are likely to reduce the compliance burden for companies โ€“ for example, fewer M&A and JV transactions will need to be notified to SAMR as the filing thresholds are proposed to be increased; and there is a new market share "safe harbour" below which companies' distribution set-up (including distributor pricing rules) will be exempted.


  • Adrian Emch

    Adrian Emch

    Adrian Emch began developing his understanding in competition/antitrust law whileat university. After graduation, he first worked at the Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP) at the European Commission, and then spent several years in private practicein Brussels focusing on European Union competition law. In July 2008, Adrian made his second move back to China, which was just a month before the country's Anti-Monopoly Law came into force. Since that time, Adrian has had the privilege of witnessing and actively participating in shaping the development of China's nascent antitrust regime. As afluent Mandarin speaker and with his experience as lecturer at Peking University, Adrian smoothly navigates business and legal communities from both the West and China.

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  • GJ

    Guillaume Joyet

    Moderator at Events & Marketing Manager, SwissCham Beijing


4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Briefing by Adrian Emch
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Q&A Session


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