Event Details

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

SwissCham China, in collaboration with Sinolytics LLC and SCCC, is pleased to invite you to a webinar on April 12, 2021.

The "Two Sessions" have just debated and endorsed, as a quinquennial act, China's 14th Five-Year-Plan (2021-2025) including some longer-ranging goals spanning to 2035. FYPs have to be seen as important historic self-reflections that strategically re-prioritize ongoing policymakingfor alignment with Chinese leaders' fresh diagnosis of future success factors for China's development, informed by substantial technocratic input from research and the bureaucracy on all levels of China's political system. This Five-Year-Plan intends to put China on a resilient trajectory towards its 2nd centennial goal in 2049 amid global uncertainties. In response to these uncertainties, the Dual Circulation has been enshrined as the new top-level policy concept reflecting the leadership's new strategic appreciation of China's "super-sized" domestic market and the consumption potential of its middle class, while seeking to reduce its reliance on foreign technology and international markets.

We invite our guest speakers from Sinolytics LLC to explore the following topics on China's 14th Five-Year-Plan (FYP):

  • FYP's contextualization and tonality
  • Macro-shifts in China's political economy incl. Dual Circulation
  • Trade policy and BRI
  • Industrial and S&T policies with a focus on smart manufacturing and machinery
  • China standards 2035
  • Corporations' long-term thinking on market resilience in China's "socialist market economy"
  • Digital economy: e-commerce, use of data, cross-border data, market access/licenses
  • Health after Covid19 (pharma and MedTech)



中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年(2021-2025年)规划和2035年远景目标纲要,主要阐明国家战略意图,明确政府工作重点,引导规范市场主体行为,是我国开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程的宏伟蓝图,是全国各族人民共同的行动纲领。这是中国的第十四个五年计划(2021-2025年),其中包括一些跨越2035年的较长期目标。 从研究和官僚机构对中国政治体系各个层面的大量技术专家的支持下,战略上优先考虑正在进行的决策,以与中国领导人对中国发展的未来成功因素的最新诊断保持一致。 这项五年计划旨在在全球动荡的情况下,使中国走上一条弹性的轨道,朝着2049年的第二个百年目标迈进。 针对这些不确定性,"双重流通"被视为新的高层政策概念,反映了领导层对中国"超大"国内市场及其中产阶级的消费潜力的新战略升值,同时力求减少对其的依赖在国外技术和国际市上。

我们邀请来自Sinolytics LLC的演讲嘉宾探讨有关"中国十四五规划(FYP)"相关主题:

  • 十四五规划基调
  • 中国宏观政治经济双循环的转变
  • 贸易政策与一带一路
  • 智能制造和机械为重点的工业和科技政策
  • 中国标准2035
  • 企业对中国"社会主义市场经济"中市场弹性的长期思考
  • 数字经济:电子商务,数据使用,跨境数据,市场准入/许可
  • 疫情后的卫生健康发展状况(制药和医疗器械)

With best regards,

Your SwissCham Team


4:00 PM - 4:05 PM
4:05 PM - 4:45 PM
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM


  • Markus Herrmann Chen (Director of Sinolytics)

    Markus Herrmann Chen

    Director of Sinolytics

    Markus is an experienced advisor to European corporate and public sector clients focusing on China’s foreign economic/trade, S&T and financial policies as well as government affairs strategies. He combines business understanding with policy analysis expertise and six years working experience in China. Prior to Sinolytics, Markus worked as a Government Affairs & Advocacy Director with Bayer MaterialScience (now: Covestro) in China and as Management Consultant with The Boston Consulting Group in its Shanghai, Hong Kong and Zurich offices, focusing on financial services and industrial goods. Markus holds a MLaw from the universities of Bern and Geneva with focus on international public law and WTO law as well as a CAS in Public Policy from ETHZ.

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  • Dr. Jost Wübbeke (Director of Sinolytics)

    Dr. Jost Wübbeke

    Director of Sinolytics

    Jost is a leading expert on China’s emerging technology trends and industrial policy. He leads consulting projects for building effective digital strategies on topics such as digital ecosystems, VC/PE investment, partnership scouting and e-Commerce platforms. His core experience focuses on new technologies and innovation policies in automotive, mechanical engineering and IT. Previously, he headed the industrial policy team of Europe’s largest China Think Tank, where he published groundbreaking analyses on Made in China 2025. He has a PhD from FU Berlin on China’s raw materials industry. He graduated in International Relations and China Studies from Berlin and Bochum and was research fellow at Tsinghua University.

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  • Jingwen TONG (Consultant at Sinolytics)

    Jingwen TONG

    Consultant at Sinolytics

    Jingwen is an expert in China’s public policy analysis and has deep understanding of policymaking and implementation dynamics at China’s local government level. At Sinolytics, Jingwen focuses on regulatory compliance, stakeholder analysis involving engagement with a variety of Chinese officials as well as analysis of China’s fast evolving social policies in particular in the area of health and urbanization. Prior to Sinolytics, she worked as a lead analyst at China Policy, a policy analysis and strategic advisory firm, delivering trade policy analysis products covering topics including the Greater Bay Area and the Sino-US trade conflict. Jingwen holds a Master of Public Policy from the University of Oxford.

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  • Tiffany WONG (Consultant at Sinolytics)

    Tiffany WONG

    Consultant at Sinolytics

    Tiffany is specialized in China’s foreign policy, digital economy, and technology markets. She advises clients on public and government affairs strategies and stakeholder engagement. She retains a focus on China’s grand strategy, geopolitical tensions, the BRI, and related issues such as the U.S. – China tech sphere bifurcation, as well as China’s cyber-governance policies, including standards on data security and information flow. Tiffany holds an M.A. from Johns Hopkins in International Economics and China Studies and a B.A. from the University of Chicago in Political Science and International Relations.

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  • Martin Catarata (Analyst at Sinolytics)

    Martin Catarata

    Analyst at Sinolytics

    Martin tracks Chinese investments along the Belt and Road Initiative and analyzes geopolitical and socio-economic shifts it causes. He has worked extensively on projects evaluating strategic opportunities and risks of the BRI for European companies, analysis of Chinese SOEs in general as well as China’s S&T policies including its international cooperation. Currently, he is working on a dissertation on the topic of China’s maritime connectivity advised by Prof. Heilmann. He holds an B.A. in Sinology and M.A. in Political Science from Trier University and studied the Chinese political system and Chinese language at Sichuan University.

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