This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce events.
Save the date
Save the dateDecember 15, 20216:30 PM - 9:30 PM GMT+8 Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

The Lounge, 80th Floor, China World Summit Wing

No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue
Beijing, China

Show on map
Contact Person: Melissa Liu
Event Details
Event Details

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

Our SwissCham Night is back! As the end of the year is approaching, it is time to look back on achieved goals and celebrate together! SwissCham Beijing is delighted to announce our last featured event this year that will take place on December 15th, 2021 on the 80th floor Lounge at China World Summit Wing, where you can admire the skyline and extraordinary views of Beijing. Moreover, stay with us after dinner for an after-party at the Atmoshpere bar!*

As many of us will stay in Beijing for Christmas this year, we would gather all members and friends to experience the joy of our very own Christmas night in a festive winter setting! You will also have the chance to WIN a valuable prize during our Lucky Draw!

This event will gather members, Board of Directors and friends of SwissCham Beijing, including business leaders from various major industries and commercial sectors. You will be treated to a Gourmet Christmas Buffet with all the traditional Swiss trimmings, including unmissable Raclette and other specialties, a variety of desserts and a fine selection of beers and wines throughout the meal.

One of the main goals of this evening is to organize the perfect evening to celebrate the end of the year with your colleagues, business partners and friends in a warm and relaxing atmosphere. We will of course provide your company with exclusive opportunities to get wide and qualitative exposure among the Sino-Swiss business community. Don't miss the chance to promote your products and services by becoming our Lucky Draw sponsors.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on December 15th!



本次活动将汇聚北京瑞士商会的会员和董事,包括来自各行各业的商界领袖。 晚宴为您提供美味的瑞士烤奶酪自助餐、开胃菜和特色菜、各色甜点和精选的国际葡萄酒。

活动主要目的之一便是组织一个完美的夜晚, 在热情轻松的气氛中庆祝 2021 年的结束。我们当然会为贵公司提供绝佳的曝光机会,以扩大贵公司在中瑞商务团体中的知名度。成为抽奖奖品赞助商,不要错过绝佳的推广贵公司产品和服务的机会。


With best regards,

Your SwissCham Team

*IMPORTANT: We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Beijing. Please make sure to follow the latest official health guidelines and show your Green Health Code and wear a mask, while entering the building. We hope you stay safe and enjoy the event!


Please note that as limited seats are available, priority will be given to members. 席位有限,会员优先。


Lucky Draw Sponsorship

There are many advantages to join our SwissCham Christmas Lucky Draw by offering a prize:

❖ Enjoy a very qualitative visibility before, during and after the event among our network:

  • Logo: website, invitation/thank you email, WeChat, menu, oral recognition, Bridge Magazine;
  • Product: a picture or video will be displayed during the evening and during the lucky draw!

❖ Simple but very efficient way to promote your products/services among our network;



❖ 活动前后,我们将为您的公司在中国瑞士商会多渠道上进行宣传:

  • 公司 logo: 将在网站, 邀请函邮件,致谢函邮件,微信公众号、菜单、主持人介绍、商会季刊杂志《桥》展示;
  • 产品:产品图片将在晚会和抽奖期间进行展示!

❖ 以简单但极为有效的方式在商会关系网络中推广贵公司的产品及服务;

  • 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM

    Registration & Cocktail

    Registration & Cocktail

    7:00 PM - 7:05 PM

    Welcome & Opening of buffet

    Welcome & Opening of buffet

    7:05 PM - 9:00 PM

    Buffet Dinner

    Buffet Dinner

    9:00 PM - 10:30 PM

    After-Party @ Atmosphere Bar

    After-Party @ Atmosphere Bar

Organizer & Sponsor
Organizer & Sponsor

Early Bird Member Ticket


Early Bird Non-Member Ticket


Member Ticket

RMB 588

Non-Member Ticket

RMB 688

10 Tickets Package

Members Only

RMB 4,980